Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Fakeday!

How would you react when people sing “Happy Birthday” to you in a restaurant?

Most restaurants, specially the expensive ones, offer a cute cupcake or perhaps a slice of chocolate cake to a customer celebrating his/her natal day. All you have to do is declare to the rest of the world that it is your birthday. Once you do that, or your friends do that, the restaurant crew will swarm around your table and start singing the “Happy Birthday” song.

Can you handle the crowd looking at you at that very moment?

A simple plan to get a slice of chocolate cake and I’m sure that I would take part of the singing as well but I am not sure if I can play the part of the birthday celebrator.

How would you react if you are the celebrator, fake or not?

A smile would definitely work for the real celebrator followed by signs of gratitude and hugging and kissing and swine flu influenza virus interchange, which, by the way, are banned in Mexico already.

For the fake celebrator, a smile would always work. I did that when we ate at Bigby’s. I flashed the most sincere smile. Yes, I was sincere. I was sincere and sure that the moment we step out of that restaurant, all of them would get a verbal beating from me.

Then I acted like it was my birthday and they could not say no to all my whims and caprices. IT WAS my BIRTHDAY right?

And hell I wish birthdays are like that.

What would you do? I know mine is a bit safe and genteel.

1 comment:

  1. this entry makes me want to go straight to Bigby's. Like NOW. hahaha.
